The Ultimate Album Workflow with Ian and Milly
Learn how to integrate album sales seamlessly into your workflow with expert tips from Ian of Light Blue and Milly of Folio. Make album sales an easy, rewarding part of your business.
Fine art albums and print products for professional photographers
Here you'll find answers, guides, and helpful resources to make your experience as smooth as possible. Find help on album personalisation, ordering, product specifications, technical know-how and more.
Explore our video training library, featuring expert advice on growing your photography business—covering everything from sales strategies to mastering our tools like the online design software and product ordering process.
Learn how to integrate album sales seamlessly into your workflow with expert tips from Ian of Light Blue and Milly of Folio. Make album sales an easy, rewarding part of your business.
Discover key off-page SEO techniques to enhance your website’s authority and ranking. Jodie provides practical guidance on backlinks, page speed, and domain authority.
Learn on-page SEO essentials to rank higher on Google. Jodie, an SEO expert, provides simple, practical tips to optimise your photography website and attract more clients.
Learn how to run a Mini Copy campaign to boost your album sales and generate effortless passive income. Milly from Folio Albums shares practical strategies to elevate your photography business.
Learn how to serve your clients while confidently selling your products. Vicki Knight shares practical tips for building trust, showcasing early, and making the process seamless.
Vicki Knight shares seven key techniques to boost your confidence in pricing, including simplifying choices and offering value-driven packages. Learn how to guide your clients effectively, make decisions easier, and maximise sales—all while ensuring a positive client experience.
Learn how to overcome sales fears and boost your confidence with Vicki Knights. Discover practical strategies to elevate your photography business and start selling like a pro.
Join the Campaign Marketing Masterclass to learn how to launch an album discount campaign for photography clients. This guide covers pricing, positioning, and marketing strategies aiming to increase value and revenue with client albums.
Find yourself here with a question?
As a professional photographer, you know that every wedding you capture is a unique work of art. Just like selecting the right lens or finding the perfect lighting, choosing the ideal album manufacturer is a crucial decision that can make or break your client’s experience.
At Folio Albums, we’re not just about crafting stunning albums; we’re also about building meaningful relationships with professional photographers. We want to be your trusted partner on this incredible adventure.
No matter what queries are on your mind, we’re ready to have a conversation. Click the “Schedule a Call” button below, and let’s arrange a time to discuss how we can complement your photography with our exceptional albums. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, we’re here to support you and your business.